After less than a year, a £1million investment has been completed on 101 homes at a Gwynedd housing estate.
A joint scheme between Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd and Gwynedd Council to update the water infrastructure at Pentref Helen estate in Deiniolen has benefitted from the investment.
Councillor Elfed Williams of Deiniolen is grateful to local residents for their patience as work progressed on the estate
In addition to the water system investment which included the installation of new pipelines from outside people's drives – renovations and restoration work has also been completed on walls, windows, paths and steps at many of the homes.
Plaid Cymru Councillor for Deiniolen, Elfed Williams, who assisted with co-ordinating and supporting residents during the renovation work said: “50 homes have also welcomed the installation of new drives for their cars to reduce parking problems on the narrow road through the estate. This will definitely have a positive impact on the daily lives of residents living at Pentref Helen.”
Fortunately for private owners of some of the houses, they were also given the opportunity to pay for the additional parking drives for their vehicles outside their homes.
Susan Jones, one of the estate tenants said: "I am pleased these improvements have been completed and I’m happy with the work and the workers during the process. Fair play, they were extremely organised during the time they were with us.”
Councillor Elfed Williams added: “As with all construction and renovation work, problems and difficulties arise, but I would like to take this opportunity to thank local residents for their patience and willingness to adapt as work progressed on the estate.
“All work has been completed and it is reassuring for residents that essential equipment is now up-to-date and replaced.
A Gwynedd company, Gelli Civil Engineers from Tremadog were responsible for the water pipeline refurbishment work.
“Employing a number of local workers, Gelli Civil Engineers brings with them a local economical boost to Gwynedd, and enhances the benefit of such projects within our own local communities in Gwynedd," explains Councillor Elfed Williams.
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